About us

Care isn't a chore, it's a relationship with the person you allow into your home. We choose all our caregivers for their experience, skill, and compassion, and when we make an assignment, we try to match personalities. We think it's important that you see the same welcome face every visit.

Please be assured that our caregivers:
• are not allowed to accept gifts from clients
• are required to follow a dress code and a code of conduct
• arrive on time, complete their assigned tasks, and treat our clients with courtesy and respect
• are bonded and insured
• receive a rigorous and thorough background check
• are fluent in English
• receive regular on-site supervision

We can always provide a substitute when your assigned caregiver can't make it, or make a new assignment if they leave our employment. And you can always be sure of the best performance. If you're not comfortable with the caregiver we've assigned, for any reason, we'll try someone else – no problem.

Our office staff will provide you with the same professional service we expect from our caregivers.

When you first call, you'll speak to one of our staffing supervisors. Feel free to tell them everything you think they need to know, and ask whatever you're concerned about. They'll ask you some questions too, to make sure they have all the facts. Then, if you wish, they will set up a free in-home consultation and assessment.

If you have worries, questions, or complaints, these are the people to talk with. If we have questions or concerns, they'll be the ones you'll hear from.
